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Top 100 Songs Of All Time Part 2

Writer's picture: Ben WaterworthBen Waterworth

Updated: Jan 2, 2022

You’ve enjoyed the first part of my top 100 songs of all time but what are the next 50 songs to round out the top 100?

It’s time to find out in the second part of the the greatest 100 songs of all time…at least according to me.

50. Bomfunk MC’s: “Freestyler” (1999)


A song which many remember the product placement filled film clip perhaps more than the track itself, Freestyler is a great mix of rap, dance and fun that screams the year 2000. It’s a song that if I’m being completely honest I often forget exists, but as soon as it comes on the radio I instantly turn it up and get taken back to a place that brings nothing but happy memories. Never did I think a song of this nature could somehow introduce a lyric featuring Celine Dion, but it did, and it works great. Karma Chameleon.

49. Augie March: “One Crowded Hour” (2006)


A random track which I used to hear a lot in my days of listening to ABC radio in Hobart, One Crowded Hour is an emotion filled song which connects with me once again. It has a great story with the lyrics that just draws you into it, and Glenn Richards connects with you through his incredible voice. It was a song I rediscovered when going through some bad times, and a song I was glad to listen to on repeat countless times. The album it comes from too (Moo, You Bloody Choir) is perhaps one of the best named albums I’ve ever heard.

48. Beyoncé feat. Jay Z: “Drunk In Love” (2013)


I’m in the very very slim minority who thinks Beyoncé is incredibly overrated but the girl can still produce a great track. Drunk In Love is a song which mixes great vocals and a great beat with some pretty dirty lyrics, and although it is a song that perhaps shouldn’t strike an emotional cord with me in the way it does, it somehow works its way into my emotions to make me have some deep feels. There are definitely some other songs by Beyoncé on the fringe of my 100 and I’ve probably already lost some readers by declaring her overrated, but I can at least appreciate her music when she produces something as good as this.

47. Bond: “Explosive” (2004)


Another  Olympic connected song, Explosive was used heavily during Channel 7’s marketing push for the 2004 Athens Olympics in Australia. I remember walking into Sanity asking exactly what that song and bang was, and from there I soon purchased the incredible Classified album and was hooked immediately. Who knew that classical music could be so much fun and attractive at the same time? The song itself is a sweeping journey of emotion and perks your ears up high when it comes to hearing how incredible it sounds. I had the pleasure of meeting Bond at the 2005 Australian Grand Prix when they were clearly at the height of their fame, and despite the fact that they have somewhat disappeared into obscurity, I am proud to say I have a signed poster of theirs somewhere to go with their epic album which produced this great song.

46. Bon Jovi: “Livin’ On A Prayer” (1986)


When it comes to ultimate karaoke songs, Livin’ On A Prayer takes the cake. It also might take the cake for ultimate song that I wish I had the ability to sing. One of the best songs I have ever seen live as well, Bon Jovi always produces the goods when it comes to epic stadium rock tracks and this is the king of all. It is a great test of just how bad of a singer you can be when it comes to singing along with this, and I’ll forever be haunted by the video I recorded during the Bon Jovi concert I attended in which my terrible singing is more audible than that of Jon’s during the song. Forever a classic.

45. Britney Spears: “…Baby One More Time” (1998)


I often joke and say I hit puberty the moment I saw the film clip for …Baby One More Time but there is perhaps more truth to that than I like to lead on. As a 12 year old boy staying up to 6am simply to catch a glimpse of Britney Spears in a school girl outfit, there was definitely some self discovery going on there and the song still holds a very deep place in my heart. I am a huge Britney fan and I’m somewhat saddened that this was the only song by her to make my top 100. However hearing the opening beats of this track takes me back instantly to that rumpus room in my house in Glenorchy and a place in my life that I’ll never forget.

44. Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo: “Let’s Go” (2012)


Calvin Harris is an artist who I have loved from his very first album and it somewhat makes you happy when he makes it big and you can say “I’ve liked him longer than you”. Having said that some of his best work came through the 18 Months album and Let’s Go is one of those songs that I feel is very underappreciated. The song without Ne-Yo is great, but Ne-Yo somehow makes it 10x better than it already was. Sure there isn’t a whole lot to the lyrics, but it still adds a sense of fun to really get you pumped up for whatever is about to happen next. Well worth a listen if you haven’t heard it in a while.

43. Garbage: “Why Do You Love Me” (2005)


Another Garbage song, another track from Bleed Like Me. The debut single from the album saw the band really return to their rock roots and while it wasn’t a commercial success like many had hoped, Garbage shines the brightest when playing this style of music. The ability to all but stop the song in the middle for Shirley Manson to declare “I think you’re sleeping with a friend of mine, I have no proof but I think that I’m right” is just incredible, and with the song soon picking right back up into that infectious guitar riff it just takes you on a massive tour-de-force that doesn’t leave you anytime soon. Such an underrated gem.

42. Hook n Sling: “The Best Thing” (2009)


Another cover track, somehow Hook N Sling take this obscure Boom Crash Opera song from 1989 and turn it into a fantastic song. The beat is the star here, and the way they work it into the great (and incredibly weird) lyrics works a treat. I’ve heard the original played numerous times at sporting events in Australia, but this cover version should be the one to star given how much more it gets a person pumped up. There are also some incredible remixes of this track that exist also which adds even more layers to this great track.

41. Over The Rhine: “Give Me The Strength” (2001)


We’ve had numerous songs that connect with me through sporting moments, but there are also a bunch of songs still to come that connect with me through the fantastic medium that is television. One particular show that connects with me the most is what I argue is the greatest show of all time Third Watch. Through that show there have been some incredible songs (which you’ll soon discover), and one such song is Give Me Strength. This song is played in the very best episode of Third Watch in season 2, and through this song is a great collection of scenes involving a pretty big tragedy that claims the lives of four teenagers. The vocal work is haunting, the music also fits that same mould and the lyrics speak deep. A perfect combination for this great song.

40. Muse: “Knights Of Cydonia” (2006)


Muse is an incredible band that I really have to thank my sister for having me discover them. They are another example of an artist who could’ve easily had more tracks appear in this top 100 than ultimately do. But the granddaddy of all their songs is easily Knights of Cydonia. From the epic start with the guitar to the epic ending with the guitar, this is perhaps the closest you can get to an epic rock opera over the course of only a few minutes. Matt Bellamy has one of the finest voices going around, and hearing him pull off a near perfect “Mariah Carey scream” in this track is so powerful the goosebumps have just appeared as I type. Perhaps the most epic track that appears on this list.

39. Hooverphonic: “Battersea” (1998)


Another track to get the emotions flowing from Third Watch, Battersea is used perfectly to book end the show in both the pilot episode and the series finale. The lyrics themselves are incredibly deep and haunting, and it’s a track that I struggle not to cry in everytime I hear it. Just listening to the opening violin play is enough to set me off. It’s a track that any Third Watch fan holds close to their heart, and is well worth an introduction to Hooverphonic as a band.

38. Eric Prydz: “Pjanoo” (2008)


Sure this song is pretty much the same notes played over and over again with a few extra beats along the way, but somehow all of that doesn’t matter because it works just so damn well. Eric Prydz probably is more well known for Call On Me which itself is a great track, but I for one think this holds the candle higher when it comes to an all time great dance track. It is also a great track that works well when being blended with other songs, and I strongly recommend looking up the remixes that exist of this track online. A great song too when simply stripped back to a piano track.

37. Jurgen Vries feat. Charlotte Church: “The Opera Song (Brave New World)” (2003)


Mixing opera with dance is always a great combination and that is the case clearly when it comes to The Opera Song. Charlotte Church dominated the scene when it came to ‘cute children singing opera’ in the early 2000s and her blending with Jurgen Vries was a stroke of genius. The way the music can get those goosebumps raised on your arms is always a good sign the song is good, and this is a great example of a song being good.

36. Queen: “Innuendo” (1991)


I’ve always personally been a huge fan of Queen’s second greatest hits album, and I for one would argue it is better than their first. Sure all their main hits come from the first greatest hits album, but it’s the second one which produces some epic underrated gems that deserve more love. Case in point Innuendo. So much happens in this song to love it, and having an epic banjo solo take place before an even more epic guitar solo sells this song alone. I’ve mentioned how there are just some songs that take you on an epic ride across their run time, and this is a song that clearly fits that description.

35. Rihanna: “Only Girl (In The World)” (2010)


I always loved this song when it was first released but perhaps what made me love it even more was when it used so perfectly on the soundtrack for Grand Theft Auto V. Non Stop Pop is probably the best radio station the game series ever produced and every single song on it is great. The use of this song though somehow stands the test of time, and it makes me think about why I’m not a bigger fan of Rihanna than I perhaps should be. The beat, the tune, the lyrics. So damn good. And it just makes you want to dance. That to me is always a winning combination.

34. Scooter: “The Only One” (2011)


While some of my Scooter love is perhaps reflected more on their early 2000s work, The Only One is a great track that shows the band is still capable of producing an epic track. It is another one of these ‘pump up songs’ that I am talking about so much on this list, and the screaming nature of getting the crowd to sing along with this track works so well with the incredible tune it produces.

33. Swedish House Mafia: “Don’t You Worry Child (Extended Mix)” (2012)


Don’t You Worry Child is a great song by itself, but when it comes to the extended mix I would argue it becomes even greater. There is something about extending the song with a larger build up that works a treat, and it is one of those songs that if it hasn’t already got you on the dancefloor when it starts will definitely do so by the ending. Another great use of piano in a dance song too adds to the great vibe of this song.

32. Duke Dumont: “Ocean Drive” (2016)


Sometimes a song comes along that gets played to death on the radio that you really don’t care how many times you’ve heard it. It still remains great. Ocean Drive is one of those songs. It’s a classic road trip song, and one that fits so well with a long summer drive to the beach to enjoy the day. The silent beginning of the song that soon perks up to a great beat is the perfect way to start it, and from that moment you’re just hooked. Makes me want to go to the beach right now just thinking about it.

31. Guns N’ Roses: “November Rain” (1992)


I never fully appreciated how epic this song was until it was used in the closing montage for the 2004 Athens Olympics on Channel 7 in Australia. Because it is perhaps one of the most epic songs ever recorded. Through the journey it takes you in the lyrics at the beginning, right through to THAT guitar solo at the end, nothing is wrong about this song. Added to that the epic film clip, and it all comes together for an incredible song.

30. Gotye: “Hearts A Mess” (2006)


Somebody That I Used To Know is a great song and well worthy of the success it brought Gotye. But long before that song was even conceived I was hooked on him due to this hauntingly powerful track. The music alone takes me back to a place in my life where emotion was mixed with future prospects, and the lyrics that come with it only adds fuel to that fire. It’s a song that perhaps many people aren’t familiar with, but take this opportunity right now to listen to it and find out why it is so awesome.

29. Garbage: “Sex Is Not The Enemy” (2005)


I can sing all the praises once again for how much I love Garbage but this song just takes the cake for my love. It is pure rock, pure fun and just pure awesomeness. Shirley Manson sounds like she is having an absolute blast on this track, and the film clip that compliments it really shows off just how much fun she is having. One of the highlights of my career was having the opportunity to interview her and it’s that raw enthusiasm she has for life that is just so infectious. And that ability to blend that enthusiasm with a level of truth through her lyrics that just makes her such an incredible person. An amazing song.

28. Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan: “Silence (Tiësto’s In Search Of Sunrise Mix)” (1997)


There are so many versions of this song it is often hard to keep up which is which. However with the influence of Tiësto it’s hard to go by this remix of the song. Sarah McLachlan has one of the most amazing voices around, and no matter what song you hear her sing you are automatically given goosebumps. Mixed with an incredible dance track, it is a perfect combination.

27. Corona: “The Rhythm of the Night (Rapino Bros Version)” (1993)


I’ve mentioned before how much I love the music of the early 1990s and in particular the dance music that came from that period. And when I think of that genre and time I often can’t help but automatically think of Corona and the great track that is The Rhythm of the Night. Another song with numerous versions, I have chosen this version based on the use of it in Grand Theft Auto V. A game which clearly holds a key influence when it comes to making decisions with this list. This song is just so damn fun, and the tune that comes with it just takes you away on an epic journey. Such an incredible track.

26. Galantis: “Runaway (U & I)” (2015)


This was a song that seemingly came out of nowhere and got me hooked immediately on Galantis. Another great example of a song that knows how to start slowly and build itself into an epic drop, the mixture too of a great film clip adds into what is one of the best dance tracks of the last decade. Those weird cat faced creatures they like to use so much can be a bit freaky, but it serves well to make you remember just who Galantis are. And I for one am looking forward to learning even more over the coming years.

25. Within Temptation feat. Keith Caputo: “What Have You Done” (2007)


We’ve already experienced Within Temptation on this list and just how great they can put together a really sad song. But they can also put together a great upbeat song, and one that rocks out nice and loudly to really get you pumped up. What Have You Done is such a track, and it tows a very fine line between heavy metal and gothic rock that really shouldn’t appeal to me but somehow does. If you’ve never heard this song then now is the time to listen to it.

24. Rüfüs Du Sol: “This Summer” (2014)

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I appreciate pretty much everything that Rüfüs Du Sol releases, but my very first introduction to them in 2014 perhaps stands out the strongest. I first heard this song during an advertising campaign for Samsung during the 2014 World Cup, and that lead me into not only finding out what the song was but also finding out more about the band themselves. The opening of this track just takes me away, and automatically makes me want to lay by a pool with a cold beer and some great tunes to relax with. When a song can do that, you know it’s a good one.

23. The Presets: “Anywhere” (2008)


Another chance to visit The Presets, Anywhere is one of those tracks that needs to be listened to loud to fully appreciate how epic it is. There is a beat that starts things off slowly before the gradual build into an epic banger, and it’s a song that I often forget how amazing it is until it comes through on my playlist. Another amazing track from an amazing band you need to appreciate more.

22. Tiësto feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw: “Just Be (Antillas Club Mix)” (2004)


Tiësto makes a couple of appearances on this list and this song is one of those that is easily able to have a personal and deep connection when it comes to the lyrics. Kirsty Hawkshaw speaks volumes to me through her voice, and the beat that comes along with it just adds to the overall feel of this song. It was used perfectly in an episode of Nip/Tuck too, which again doesn’t hurt the overall greatness of this song. But even without that appearance, it would still come together as a brilliant track.

21. Michael Jackson: “Smooth Criminal” (1987)


You can’t go past a classic can you? Smooth Criminal is one of those songs that you know so well but perhaps don’t appreciate how good it actually is. It is perhaps so amazing that even when covered it still sounds almost as incredible. There is so much to love about it, and perhaps the best bit is the film clip which features THAT lean and arguably one of the most incredible dances moves ever created. This song is peak Michael Jackson and peak Michael Jackson genius.

20. Madonna: “Wash All Over Me (Demo Version)” (2015)


What is perhaps most interesting about the inclusion of this song on the list is it is in fact a version that was never technically released. Wash All Over Me was one of the many songs leaked in the lead up to Madonna’s 2015 album Rebel Heart and the version that was leaked was just so damn good I had to include it. The dance track in the background mixed with a strong beat and great lyrics is a great combination, and it is clear to see the Avicii influence this song has. What is so sad however is that slow, crappy version this song turned out to be on the final album. An incredible disappointment. I just like to pretend that version doesn’t exist and this is the one that in fact ended up on the album.

19. Dannii Minogue with Riva: “Who Do You Love Now?” (2001)


I find it quite funny that I have ranked a song with Dannii Minogue higher than Kylie but when it comes to how amazing this song is it is clear to see why. You are immediately hooked with the beat of this song as soon as it begins, and it is only added to tenfold when Minogue starts singing. It’s one of these songs that just takes me back to a place in my life to escape, and this time it is laying on a beach in Melbourne during Grand Prix time. That might be a weird place to head back to, but we all have those weird places right?

18. Booty Luv: “Boogie 2nite (Seamus Haji Big Love Mix) (2007)


Another song made even more epic by it being used in Grand Theft Auto, Boogie 2nite is pure dance/pop fun. This is the song you want to listen to as you get ready to head out on a fun night on the town, and even more so as you’re out at the club and letting your hair down. The build up works a treat, but even before it reaches that point you’re already hooked and dancing like you never have before. A great song to dance to.

17. Loreen: “Euphoria” (2012)

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Eurovision produces the goods again, and where else but Sweden would a song of this nature come from? Loreen absolutely nails this track, and it is so damn epic on so many levels. It was great to see it have so much commercial success after it won, and it is still a song to this day that gets me up and dancing and wanting to crank it up as loud as I can. The greatest Eurovision song of all time.

16. Michael Jackson: “Dangerous” (1991)


My favourite Michael Jackson song by far, Dangerous is one of those tracks where Jackson just combines so many musical elements that you can’t help but love it. I’ve previously mentioned how great the album itself is, but the title track shines so brightly that it’s enough to sell the album by itself. It also produced one of the best live performance by the man himself, and well worth a watch if you have never seen it.

15. Lost Witness: “Happiness Happening (Lange Remix)” (1999)


Everyone has a track that just makes them escape reality and takes them to a place they wish they could be. Happiness Happening is that track for me. I can’t help but listen to this track and imagine floating through a pristine forest on a beautiful day before sweeping over mountains and rivers in an incredible journey. The Lange Remix version adds even more to this track, and it’s easily the most escape worthy song I have in my top 100.

14. Axwell Λ Ingrosso: “Something New (Club Mix)” (2014)


Another example of a great song being even greater when extended. Axwell Λ Ingrosso are an act I need to see before I die, and I can only imagine how incredible this track would be live. It warrants being in a mosh pit filled with sweaty individuals all dancing and jumping in perfect unison to fully appreciate I feel and if I ever have that opportunity to experience that I will definitely jump at that chance. If you want a perfect example of a slow build into an epic drop then listen to this track immediately.

13. Avicii vs Nicky Romero: “I Could Be The One” (2012)


It was an absolute tragedy to lose Avicii so young and the guy was an incredible artist capable of producing some incredible songs. There were numerous songs that could’ve been included on this list by him, but I have to stand by I Could Be The One as the track that I love the most. It’s such a classic mix of build up, lyrics and banger that makes me just want to pump it up loudly at any given moment. The film clip too is just too damn fun, and I strangely relate to it a little too much. A fantastic track.

12. The Crystal Method: “Keep Hope Alive” (1997)


The Third Watch love is solidified when it comes to this track. Used as the title theme for the show, I would argue it is one of the most perfect uses of a song in an opening to a TV show ever produced. There isn’t much more to this than the tune with a few random lyrics along the way for good measure, but it’s so damn epic and pump up worthy that it thoroughly deserves it’s spot this high on the list.

11. Carly Simon: “You’re So Vain” (1972)


I honestly have no idea why I love this song so much. It’s a track that really shouldn’t appeal to me. But somehow it does. Having it used so perfectly in an episode of Nip/Tuck definitely helps it’s cause, but there is just something so endearing about this track that makes me turn it up so damn loud everytime I hear it. Maybe I’m just a closeted Carly Simon fan that I need to embrace my love for her? Research definitely pending…

10. My Chemical Romance: “Welcome To The Black Parade” (2006)


I hear that piano to start this song and I know I’m in for a great time. Welcome To The Black Parade is such an epic song that I can never get sick of it, and it comes from a band and genre of music that really I don’t like all that much. But it’s a song that is just great to listen to, and also incredibly fun to lip sync along to when you’re trying to make an incredibly cheesy radio ad. It’s a song that easily wants to make you carry on, and if you don’t know what I mean by that then perhaps it’s time to click the above link to listen to the track.

9. Scooter: “Nessaja” (2002)


The third and final song by Scooter on this list, Nessaja is one of those songs that works in a slow jam before really taking you away as it picks up the beat. After The Logical Song I was devoted to this band, and this came at a time before I was able to access songs on the internet so had to rely on purely seeing a CD single sitting on a shelf in a store. This is exactly how I discovered this track and I never looked back. Easily one of my most played songs of all time, there is no excuse to not want to get up and dance and rave to this song when it comes through the speakers. A perfect song live too and one of my favourites that I have seen performed in the flesh.

8. Infernal: “Self Control” (2004)


When you can take a great song and make it even greater you’re going to have an amazing track. And that’s exactly what Infernal did when they covered Self Control. It’s a song that just works so perfectly when given the dance remix treatment, and the beat and bass that follows along with the cover is a song that makes you want to dance all night. I for one remember playing this song non-stop when I first heard it, and to this day I can easily see why that was the case.

7. Yeasayer: “Don’t Come Close” (2013)


If you’ve played Grand Theft Auto V and finished it, you’ll know this song. Especially if you chose the ending where a certain character is killed off. I remember vividly hearing the opening of this song as the credits rolled, my mind still trying to work out what on earth had happened as well as celebrating the fact that I had completed arguably the greatest video game ever made. It’s a song too that once again connects with me deeply, with many of the lyrics easily reflecting my life at the time. I’d never heard of Yeasayer before I played the game and nor have I heard much of them since, but if this song is how great they are then perhaps I need to get to know them just a little bit more.

6. Pendulum: “Witchcraft” (2010)


Pendulum are by far one of my favourite bands and at the time of writing this they were the last live act I saw. What makes them so good is their energy when it comes to their music, and all of their epic bangers are incredible when performed live. Witchcraft is a song that just takes you on such a journey that it is nearly impossible not to be swept away by it’s epicness. The lyrics draw you in immediately, followed by that beat, and before you know it you are captivated by what an incredible 4 minutes of music it really is. And if you love this track then you’ll love the album it comes from, with Immersion another solid chance to make a top 10 album list. An absolute epic banger.

5. Underworld: “And I Will Kiss” (2012)


Easily the longest song on this list, And I Will Kiss is an epic piece of music that I implore anyone reading this to listen to right now. Used during the incredible industrial revolution sequence in the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony, this track goes through a raft emotions internally as it progresses along it’s 15 minute run time. The banging of the drums at the beginning, the soft quiet tune in the middle and then the epic conclusion are so good that you need to listen to it pumped up loudly on your speakers to really appreciate how good it is. All of this coming from the same act who produced the guilty pleasure that is Underneath The Radar from the 1980s. Incredible.

4. David Guetta feat. Sam Martin: “Dangerous” (2014)


I love me some David Guetta, and he is very much in the similar spectrum of Calvin Harris when it comes to the “I loved him before he was famous” category. There are numerous songs he has produced which are top 100 worthy, but this combination with Sam Martin and the use of Formula 1 when it comes to the film clip just make everything so damn perfect. The piano at the beginning of this song hooks you in straight away, and everything else just works together in unison. Seeing him live still stands out as one of the best concerts I have ever been to, and I thoroughly recommend seeing him live to anyone who loves a good live show. Just make sure you dance the hardest when this track comes on.

3. Tiësto and Oliver Heldens feat Natalie La Rose: “The Right Song” (2016)


The overall theme of this list has perhaps been “songs that connect with me on a personal level” and that generally is how most people come to appreciate songs that mean the most to them. The Right Song came about at a time in my life where it just stuck, and the lyrics in this song can connect with me still to this day even though I am through the other end of that part of my life. “Don’t know where this goes, I let the wind take me, Into the unknown, No more hesitating” was used as almost a life anthem when I first heard this song, and I still am taken away whenever I hear those lyrics come out of Natalie La Rose’s mouth. The tune of Tiësto’s original Wombass in the background is perfect, and that song alone could’ve easily made this list. Added to that one weird and crazy film clip, and it all connects to one perfect song.

2. Eiffel 65: “Blue (Da Ba Dee)” (1999)


I always refer to this song as ‘the second greatest song of all time’ and that is clearly reflected by placing it as number 2 on this list. A song that takes me back to the turn of the new millennium just as I was really discovering how amazing music could be and how great it was when done right. A weird memory of this song is from Christmas Eve 1999 and driving around with my family looking at Christmas lights. It’s an odd memory for sure, but a great memory as well. This song just works on so many levels. The beat is amazing, the lyrics are nonsensical but fun and the tune will forever get stuck in your head. I had the pleasure of interviewing Eiffel 65 lead singer Jeffrey Jey several years ago and he was impressed at my love of the song, especially when it came to playing it 100 times in the space of a month on my former radio show. 100 times played in that short a period and still not sick of it. That is the power of this song.

1. Madonna: “Hung Up” (2005)


This wasn’t even a tough decision. Automatically this song was always going to be number one. For anybody who knew me in 2005 when this song came out they would know just how often I would play it. Hell even a 30 second sample I had in the lead up to it’s release was played non-stop. It’s the perfect mix of song. Madonna with a great dance beat and some fun lyrics. A song that since it came out has never even closely been matched as the greatest song of all time. The film clip too is just great, showing Madonna is incredibly stunning no matter what age she reaches. Hands down the greatest song every recorded.

What do you think of this list? Do you agree with the songs included? Don’t forget to check out the first 50 songs from part one here and stay tuned as I post some other fun rankings in the coming months!


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